Monday 5 October 2009

Don't clamp down on immigration, warns UN

A report from the UN Development Programme has warned Britain and other countries not to clamp down on immigration during this recession. The report warns that such a clampdown would not produce the economic benefits that many people imagine - quite the contrary. It tells the truth about managed migration and reminds readers of its benefits. The Liberal Democrats' Policy Briefing on immigration sets out what we think about this issue.


  1. Benefits of managed migration? "Managed" is just a euphemism for 'limited by government'. Free trade is beneficial to all, and the freedom to trade one's services is a crucial part of this. We should be honest enough to support open borders, in spite of the lies spread by certain political and media groups.

  2. Thanks, Julian. I share your belief in free trade, but, in practical terms, I believe that it makes sense for governments to manage migration. Managed migration actually does not have to be limited migration.
