Sunday, 6 December 2009

First Capital Connect: progress report

I am pleased to report that First Capital Connect have been good enough to reply to my email in a timely fashion, with a relevant manager having kindly agreed to meet. I'll set this up and report back after it has happened. Obviously, the current state of affairs on the former Thameslink route is deeply unsatisfactory for passengers. At the meeting, I shall be seeking the company's assurances that their talks with the unions will soon have reached a positive conclusion - so that passengers stop suffering the awful inconvenience to which they have been subjected on this line. We need to know what action is being taken to end the current problems and prevent a recurrence in the future.


  1. Pressure on FCC is essential but they have excellent PR Dept (read Public Obfuscation Dept) and we have had enough of their slippery excuses.

    Please have them removed from the franchise as soon as possible.

    Kind regards,

  2. Thanks, Stephen. I was pleased with the eventual response from FCC. What do you think of their compensation plans?
