Thursday 23 September 2010

Nick Clegg's speech to Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel fringe meeting

Here is a video of a speech by Nick Clegg, Liberal Democrat Leader and UK Deputy Prime Minister, to the Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel's standing-room-only party conference fringe meeting on Monday:

Wednesday 1 September 2010

A moment of hope for Israelis and Palestinians

With direct Israeli/Palestinian talks set to begin in Washington, I was pleased to read this cautiously optimistic article by Martin Indyk in the New York Times. I heard Martin Indyk speak at last year's conference of J Street, an organisation which has much to commend itself to all Lib Dems with an interest in Israel/Palestine. It can be difficult to summon up much optimism for the Israel/Palestine peace process, especially in light of yesterday's tragic news from Hebron - and anyone whose politics prevents them from seeing this incident as tragic needs to examine their consciences. There is no valid alternative to reaching a peaceful settlement between all players in the region.